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Personal Webpage

Steve Whitmore

Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering Science

BA (English) Notre Dame University, 1982
MA (Education) Simon Fraser University, 1992

1.0 Expertise and Research Interests

  • Critical and creative thinking
  • Writing processes of engineers
  • Writing and technological change
  • Style and revision in relation to dictation
  • Computers in relation to writing instruction
  • Project courses and engineering education
  • Adult education and advanced composition
  • Writing instruction focusing on social and cognitive strategies
  • Style and format in relation to the reader's cognition and perception

2.0 Current SFU Writing Courses

3.0 Selected Industry Writing Courses

  • PMC-Sierra Ltd. (1999)
  • Epson Research and Development Inc.(1998)
  • Placer Dome Inc. (1998)
  • Dees Communication Engineering Ltd. (1993)
  • Cirrus Consultants Ltd. (1992)
  • Universal Dynamics Ltd. (1991)

4.0 Professional Memberships

5.0 Committee and Faculty Activities

6.0 Selected Publications

Strategies for Engineering Communication. Co-authored with Susan Stevenson and Margaret Hope. John Wiley and Sons. Textbook. 2002.

Writing Strategies and Techniques for Archaeologists. Course handbook for ARCH 876. 2002.

Project Documentation and Collaborative Writing, 2nd ed. Course CD for ENSC 305/340. 2001

Writing Strategies and Techniques for Resource Managers, 3rd ed. Course handbook for REM 801. 2000.

Writing Strategies and Techniques for Professionals, 7th ed. Course handbook for MSAT writing workshops. 2000.

Writing Strategies and Techniques for Engineers, 5th ed. Course handbook for ENSC 820. 1999.

Writing for Publication and Industry, 7th ed. Course Handbook for ENSC 408. 1999.

Engineering Science Communication Handbooks, 6th/7th eds. Co-authored with Susan Stevenson:

  • Module 1: Communication Skills for Engineering Students, 6th ed. 1996.
  • Module 2: Report Writing and Employment Information, 6th ed. 1996.
  • Module 3: Project Documentation and Collaborative Writing, 7th ed. 1999.
  • Module 4: Writing Thesis Proposals and Theses, 7th ed. 1999.
SFU Nightline Volunteer's Handbook, 8th ed. Reference handbook for SFU crisis line volunteers. 1996.

Materials Science and Engineering Handbook. Co-authored with Susan Stevenson. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 1993.

Last Updated January, 2002


Steve Whitmore
Engineering Science
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Dr.
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6
Tel: (604) 291-4946
Fax: (604) 291-4951
Email: whitmore@cs.sfu.ca

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