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essef application information

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At the beginning of each semester, the Chair of the ESSEF Funding Committee will send out a message to the undergraduate engineering population to remind everyone that applications for funding are again being accepted, and to set a deadline for the reception of these applications - usually around the end of the third week of classes.

Completed applications are to be submitted to the mailbox outside the EUSS office before the deadline. Further, to be considered for funding, applications must qualify under at least one of the four Categories listed in the Terms of Reference. These Categories are:

Category A - Competition
Ambitious, team oriented projects that are being entered to compete in a recognized competition. These projects must be within the scope of SFU Engineering Science and must have scientific merit.

Category B - Entrepreneurial

Pragmatic, visionary projects that are expected to produce a workable prototype. A brief Business Plan must accompany applications under this Category.

Category C - Class
Usable, team oriented projects originating from an Engineering Science class or a special projects laboratory. Originality will weigh heavily for applications qualifying under this Category.

Category D - Miscellaneous
Travel and projects not covered under the other three Categories and/or the purchase of lab equipment. Such proposals must have an educational purpose or must promote SFU Engineering Science.

Following review by the ESSEF Funding Committee, successful applications are forwarded to the Director of the School of Engineering Science for approval. Approved applications are then forwarded to the Department of Financial Assistance where they are processed.

For more information, please refer to the Contacts page.


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