euss Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC  
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Find out who else represents the EUSS in representatives.

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euss executives

These are the current EUSS Executive Members, to whom we (the engineering student body) have granted the mandate to handle and organize engineering affairs. They are a great bunch of people, each of whom has a field of specialty within the organization, who also represent us at all sorts of meetings and conventions.

But the executives aren't the only key people in our engineering student society; we have a full team of other representatives who contribute greatly to the silky smooth operation of the EUSS!

Bernard Smit

VP Internal
Dave Steele

VP Academic
Hans Johnson

VP Professional Relations
Stella Li

VP University Affairs
See-Ho Tsang

VP Finance
Bob Wai

VP Events
Haseeb Ma

VP Social

Cory Jung

VP Publications

Jason Czerniej

VP Merchnadise
Herman Lo

VP Electronic Communications
Kamil Kisiel

VP Inter-University Relations
David Poon

First Year Rep

First Year Rep

First Year Rep

First Year Rep

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