euss Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC  
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Find out the duties of each EUSS Representative.

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euss representatives

The EUSS Representatives are the students behind the curtains representing our student body at various meetings and discussions concerning our program and facilities. These persons are responsible for putting forth the undergraduate students' interests to committees that may result in changes to our courses, our resources, and our safety.

SFSS Forum Representative

Derek Sahota

Meeting of the School, Undergraduate Representative

Gregory Fung

Capital Budget Representative

Sandeep Brar

Laboratories Committee Representative

Jessica McAlister

Computer Committee Representative

Rex Chang

Space Committee Representative

Jessica McAlister

Safety Committee Representative

Eric Keung

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Representative

Jessica McAlister
Alex Kwan
High School Liason Committee Representative
Denesh Pohar

IEEE Representative

vacant, contact Dr. Glenn Chapman for info.

Pop Person

Steven Dai

Photocopier Person

Steven Dai
Patty Sa
Matthew Ng


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