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euss representative duties

SFSS Forum Representative
Duties: to represent the engineering student body in SFSS meetings in regards to all issues pertaining to students in general, such as tuition fees, student benefits, etc.

Meeting of the School, Undergraduate Representative
Duties: to represent undergraduate students in meetings of the school. Topics include school wide issues such as faculty growth, Directorship, external relationships and long term planning.

Capital Budget Representative
Duties: to represent the engineering student body in the annual Capital Budget meeting, where the committee decides how to allocate funds from the school budget to purchase new laboratory equipment.

Laboratories Committee Representative
Duties: to represent the engineering student body in semesterly meetings with the laboratory staff in regards to any issue pertaining to the laboratory facilities and its use, its security, etc.

Computer Committee Representative
Duties: to represent the engineering student body in matters related to the computers used by students, and to request changes to the laboratory network on behalf of the students.

Space Committee Representative
Duties: to represent the engineering student body in meetings regarding the allocation of student study space, as well as staff and faculty office space within the engineering science department.


Safety Committee Representative
Duties: to represent the engineering student body in annual safety meetings to discuss laboratory safety issues.

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Representative
Duties: to represent the student body in regular UCC meetings to discuss issues surrounding the undergraduate curriculum.

Communications Search Committee Representative
Duties: to represent the engineering student body in the search for new faculty members in the communications department; to review candidate applications; to attend candidate lectures; to participate in candidate interviews; to provide comments on each candidate with regard to their teaching and research abilities, which will affect the committee's decision whether or not to hire the candidate.


Expansion Committee Representative
Duties: to represent undergraduate students in expansion-related planning under the Double the Opportunity (DTO) initiative from the BC Government.


IEEE Representative
Duties: to act as a liaison between the IEEE and the engineering student body.

Pop Person
Duties: to maintain the upkeep of the pop machine, the recycling of pop cans, the regulation of pop money, and to act as a liaison between the pop supplier and the engineering student body.

Photocopier Person
Duties: to maintain the student photocopier by calling for repairs; to regulate the photocopier money and paper; to act as a liaison between the photocopier company and the student body.

First Year Representative
Duties: to represent the First Years in the EUSS; to organize activities pertaining to First Years; to encourage First Years to join in EUSS activities.


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