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Drawing the original Bode plot
Adding an integrator
Gain and phase margin specification and controller design
From the main problem, the dynamic equations in transfer-function form are the following:
and the system schematic looks like:
For the original problem setup and the derivation of the above equations, please refer to the Modeling a DC Motor page.
With a 1 rad/sec step reference, the design criteria are:
Create a new m-file and type in the following commands (refer to the main problem for the details of getting those commands).
J=3.2284E-6; b=3.5077E-6; K=0.0274; R=4; L=2.75E-6; num=K; den=[(J*L) ((J*R)+(L*b)) ((b*R)+K^2) 0];The main idea of frequency-based design is to use the Bode plot of the open-loop transfer function to estimate the closed-loop response. Adding a controller to the system changes the open-loop Bode plot, therefore changing the closed-loop response. Let's first draw the Bode plot for the original open-loop transfer function. Add the following code to the end of your m-file, and then run the m-file.
Now lets add an integrator for zero steady-state error in response to a step disturbance. Add the following lines to your m-file:
numi=1; deni=[1 0]; numiol=conv(num,numi); deniol=conv(den,deni); bode(numiol,deniol,w)You should get the following plot:
We want less than a 16% overshoot, so lets compute the damping ratio based on a 16% overshoot. Also the corresponding phase margin is 100 times the damping ratio. From the settling time requirement, we are able to compute the desired bandwidth frequency. Add the following lines to your m-file:
zeta=-log(.16)/sqrt(pi^2+(log(.16))^2); PM=100*zeta; wbw=(4/(0.04*zeta))*sqrt((1-2*zeta^2)+sqrt(4*zeta^4-4*zeta^2+2));We want to have at least 50 degrees of phase margin, therefore the gain should fall between -6 and -7.5 dB at some frequency after 250 rad/sec. From the Bode plot we see that we must add about 80 degrees of phase and 60 dB of gain at a frequency of 250 rad/sec. The gain plot will then lie between -6 and -7.5 dB and after 244 rad/sec. From the Bode phase plot we can see that there is a pole near 60 rad/sec. We will use a PI controller to put a zero at s=60 to flatten out the phase curve. Add the following lines to your m-file:
numpi=[1 60]; denpi=[1 0]; numpiol=conv(numpi,num); denpiol=conv(denpi,den); bode(numpiol,denpiol,w)You should see the following plot:
From the bode plot we can see that we need 50 more degrees of phase at a frequency of 250 rad/sec. Lets now try a lead compensator to add exactly 50 degrees of phase. Add the following lines to your m-file:
a=(1 - sin(PM*pi/180))/(1 + sin(PM*pi/180)); T=1/(wbw*sqrt(a)); numpil = conv([1 60],[T 1]); denpil = conv([1 0],[a*T 1]); numpilol = conv(numpil,num); denpilol = conv(denpil,den); w = logspace(2,3,101); bode(numpilol,denpilol,w)
This new Bode plot now shows that the phase margin is about right at 250 rad/sec, but the gain is too small by about 20 dB. The gain crossover must occur at 240 rad/sec. To bring the gain up by 20 dB we will multiply by a gain of 10. Add the following lines to your m-file:
kpid = 10; bode(kpid*numpilol,denpilol,w)You should get the following plot:
Lets now check the step response of the closed loop system. Add the following lines to youe m-file:
[numpilcl,denpilcl] = cloop(kpid*numpilol,denpilol,-1); t = 0:0.001:0.1; step(numpilcl,denpilcl)You should get the following plot:
The overshoot is now too large, however the settling time is better than expected. So let's try another design where the phase margin is larger, say around 70 degrees. Add the following lines to your m-file:
PM=70; a=(1 - sin(PM*pi/180))/(1 + sin(PM*pi/180)); T=1/(wbw*sqrt(a)); numpil=conv([1 60],[T 1]); denpil=conv([1 0],[a*T 1]); numpilol=conv(numpil,num); denpilol=conv(denpil,den); w=logspace(2,3,101); bode(numpilol,denpilol,w)You should get the following plot:
This new bode plot shows that the phase margin is good at around 250 rad/sec, but the gain is too small by about 14 dB. The gain crossover must occur at 240 rad/sec. To bring the gain up we will multiply by a gain of 5. Add the following lines to your m-file:
kpid = 5; bode(kpid*numpilol,denpilol,w)You should get the following plot:
Now lets check the step response again. Add the following lines to your m-file:
[numpilcl,denpilcl] = cloop(kpid*numpilol,denpilol,-1); t = 0:0.001:0.1; step(numpilcl,denpilcl)You should get the following step response:
From the step response we now see that the overshoot is fine, but the settling time is too long. Let's try a slightly higher bandwidth. Add the following lines to your m-file:
wbw=300; a=(1-sin(PM*pi/180))/(1+sin(PM*pi/180)); T=1/(wbw*sqrt(a)); numpil=conv([1 60],[T 1]); denpil=conv([1 0],[a*T 1]); numpilol=conv(numpil,num); denpilol=conv(denpil,den); w=logspace(2,3,101); bode(numpilol,denpilol,w)You should get the following plot:
This new bode plot shows that the phase margin is about right at a frequency of 250 rad/sec, but the gain is too small by about 18 dB. The gain crossover must occur at 240 rad/sec. To bring the gain up we will multiply by a gain of 8. Add the following lines to your m-file:
kpid=8; bode(kpid*numpilol,denpilol,w);You should get the following plot:
Now let's check the step response of the closed loop system. Add the following lines to your m-file:
[numpilcl,denpilcl]=cloop(kpid*numpilol,denpilol,-1); t=0:0.001:0.1; step(numpilcl,denpilcl)You should get the following step response:
Now everything looks good. We have less than 16% overshoot and a settling time of about 40 milliseconds.