Mirza Faisal Beg
Computational anatomy, tools for segmentation and shape analysis in medical images, high-performance computation methods in medical imaging.
John S. Bird
Statistical signal processing, system performance analysis, underwater
acoustics and optics, radar, sonar and communications applications.
James K. Cavers
Mobile communications, signal processing, network protocols.
Glenn H. Chapman
Microelectronics (fabrication, defect avoidance techniques, device physics,
laser processing of materials, VLSI/wafer scale integration, computer aided
Farid Golnaraghi
Development of a semi-active Hydraulic engine mount using Magnetorheological (MR) fluids for Automotive applications, in collaboration with General Motors, Michigan, USA
Bonnie Gray
Microfluidics, microassembly, biomedical microdevices and instrumentation, high-aspect ratio microfabrication techniques, micro total analysis systems.
Kamal K. Gupta
Computational robotics, in particular motion and manipulation planning,
geometric reasoning, 3D vision for robotic tasks.
Atousa HajShirMohammadi
Research interests are in wireless and digital communications at the coding and modulation level. Involved in the study of the recently developed error correcting coding scheme, Turbo-codes, and their application in wireless personal communication systems.
R.H. Stephen Hardy
Wireless communication networks, protocols and performance, access control and management of multimedia networks, wide area wireless and ad hoc networks.
Paul K.M. Ho
Modulation techniques, signal processing, communication theory, adaptive
error control techniques.
Rick Hobson
VLSI systems including VLSI circuits (embedded processors, memories,
arithmetic units, etc.), module generators, cell libraries, and CAD support
John D. Jones
Applications of artificial intelligence to engineering design, design for
manufacturing, finite-element analysis, heat transfer and thermodynamics.
Bozena Kaminska
Wireless sensor networks, micro-medical devices, biosensors, wearable electronics, physiological, behavioral, and environmental monitoring.
Microelectronic design, test, and fault-tolerance, design and test automation algorithms.
Karim S. Karim
Microelectronic circuit, device and process development for medical imaging
applications and large area electronics.
Medical imaging using crystalline silicon CMOS technology, large area
diagnostic X-ray imaging, X-ray detectors, and active pixel sensors for
crystalline and amorphous silicon technology.
Dong In Kim
Spread-spectrum communications, wireless communications, and packet radio networks.
Daniel C. Lee
Computer and communication networks, wireless communications, multimedia transport, and sensor networks.
Albert M. Leung
Microelectronics, integrated circuit technology, integrated sensors.
Patrick Leung
Electronic systems and computer engineering.
Lakshman One
Electronic music, quantum field theories, Einstein-Yang-Mills Theory and power processing circuits.
Jie Liang
Image/video compression, image/video processing, filter bank, wavelets, multimedia communications, wireless communications.
Carlo Menon
Robotics and Biomimetics. My interdisciplinary research involves several disciplines including Mechatronics, Dynamics, Control, MEMS. Targeted applications are mostly in space and biomedical fields.
M. Parameswaran
Silicon micromachining, integrated microelectronics and micromechanical
sensors and actuators, commercial IC process compatible sensor and
actuators design, IC design microelectronic processing, process and device
Shahram Payandeh
Robot mechanics and control, kinematics of mechanisms, grasping and
manipulation, knowledge-based approaches in robotics.
Andrew H. Rawicz
Biomedical transducers (sensors and actuators), optical engineering and biophotonics, vision sensors, reliability of biomedical devices.
Stephen Robinovitch
Dynamics and control of human movement, postural stability and balance; osteoporosis and hip fracture prevention, orthopedic biomechanics; rehabilitation engineering.
Parvaneh Saeedi
Computer vision, machine learning in computer vision, motion/trajectory tracking, object recognition using vision, structure from motion, and automatic 3D map generation.
Mehrdad Saif
Control theory, large scale systems, optimization theory and application to
engineering systems.
Marinko Sarunic
Biomedical imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT), microscopy, low-coherence interferometry, micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems, BioMEMS.
Craig Scratchley
Software engineering, real-time and embedded systems.
Mike Sjoerdsma
Software engineering, real-time and embedded systems.
Lesley Shannon
Areas of interest include, Computing System Design, including architectures, design methodologies, and programming models, and Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems.
Shawn Stapleton
Passive RF/microwave circuits, GaAs monolithic microwave integrated
circuits, nonlinear RF/microwave devices, active RF/microwave circuits.
Susan Stevenson
Technical and engineering communication, social implications of technology,
engineering ethics, professional engineering practice, curriculum
development, language and culture, English as a Second Language, equity
Marek Syrzycki
Microelectronics, semiconductor devices, digital and analog VLSI design,
integrated circuit technology, integrated sensors, IC fabrication defects,
yield and reliability of VLSI IC's.
Ljiljana Trajkovic
Communication Networks (performance analysis, simulation of protocols and scheduling algorithms, traffic collection, characterization, and modeling, intelligent control of communication systems); nonlinear circuits and systems (simulation tools, homotopy methods, theory of nonlinear circuits.
Rodney Vaughan
Personal and mobile communications, compact antennas, diversity antennas, propagation, signal theory, signal processing, DSP techniques wireless systems, microwave techniques, multiport and MIMO systems.
Steve Whitmore
Technical writing processes, project documents and writing in industry,
writing with computers, instructional methods and psychology, advanced
composition, and information processing in relation to style and format.
Professor Emeritus
John C. Dill
Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Human-computer Interfaces.
William A. Gruver
Intelligent distributed systems, manufacturing automation, robotic systems, vision and sensing.
Visiting, Associate, and Adjunct Professors
Parveen Bawa
Research into the understanding of the integration of neural information in the mammalian spinal cord using both experimental and modelling studies.
Robert Frindt
Materials Science: surfaces and interfaces, nanostructured materials, and layered solids.
J.A. Hoffer
Neurophysiological mechanisms involved in the control of normal and abnormal movements. Pioneering new approaches for the restoration of voluntary movement in people who are paralyzed or impaired by spinal cord injury or stroke - www.neurocuffs.com. |
Dilip Kotak
Adaptive and distributed decision systems, holonic manufacturing systems, multi-criteria optimization and manufacturing of defect sensitive products.
James Kuo
Low-voltage CMOS VLSI circuits, Compact modeling of semiconductor devices.
Jonathan Wu
Intelligent sensing, wireless microsensor systems, pattern recognition and image analysis, computer and machine vision, control and robotics, neural networks and fuzzy systems, 3-D vision and image visualization, and sensor fusion technology.